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Malin Bång

composer | object

Malin Bång’s music is an exploration of movement and energy. She defines her musical material according to their amount of friction to create a spectrum of unpredictable and contrasting actions, ranging from the intimate and barely audible to the harsh and obstinate. In her work she often incorporates acoustic objects to explore a rich sound world and to suggest that a musical content can be shaped by anything valuable to the artistic purpose.

Malin Bång is residing in Stockholm, Sweden and is the composer in residence and a founding member of the Curious Chamber Players. Her work includes music for instrumental ensembles, orchestra, electronic music based on field recordings, and instrumental performance pieces. Lately she has specifically explored the mixed, amplified instrumental ensemble extended with acoustic objects in collaboration with the members of Curious Chamber Players.

Her works are performed worldwide and some recent projects include the music documentary drama kudzu /the sixth phase/, commissioned by Deutschlandfunk in Köln, the commission of a large orchestral piece for Donaueschinger Musiktage 2018, the portrait concert how long is now at Ultraschall Festival 2014 with performances by the CCP, Klangforum Wien at the Impuls festival, Ensemble Recherche at the Wittener Tage für Neue Musik, Ensemble Nikel at the Donaueschinger Musiktage and Nadar Ensemble for the Darmstadt Ferienkurse and Faint Noise at the Huddersfield Festival. During 2015 she also composed ripost for the Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart des SWR at the celebratory concert of Lachenmann’s 80th birthday and in 2014 the joint orchestral commission for the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra and the Oslo Philharmonics at Ultima.

During 2010 she was awarded the Kranichsteiner Stipendienpreis for her ensemble work Turbid Motion at the Darmstadt Festival. In 2012 she was invited by the DAAD Berliner Künstlerprogramm for the one year residency in Berlin.

Malin Bång has studied composition at the Academy of Music in Piteå, Universität der Künste i Berlin, the Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm, the Göteborg University and in several master classes and courses for example Voix Nouvelles at Royaumont, Summer Academy Schloss Solitude, Forum for Young Composers by Ensemble Aleph and Darmstädter Ferienkurse, with teachers such as Brian Ferneyhough, Gérard Grisey, Philippe Manoury, Philippe Capdenat, Chaya Czernowin, Walter Zimmermann, Friedrich Goldmann, Ole Lützow Holm, Pär Lindgren, Jan Sandström and Peter Lyne.

Malin Bång: TeamMember
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